Man’s Masks

I don’t know whether you have seen it or not, but there is an episode called ‘The Haunted Mask‘, in R. L Stine’s  collection; Goosebumps.

When this was turned into a television series, I used to watch this episode several times as a child. To summarise the story, it is halloween and everyone is going trick or treating. Carly Beth is looking for a mask, but cannot find one she loves. She goes to a certain mask shop and sees a room full of them, but the shopkeeper forbids selling these specific masks. She steals the scariest mask and wears it. Over time, the mask becomes harder to take off. She, literally, bonds with the mask; changing who she is.

Here lies my interest… one simple question I ask you… What Mask Do You Wear? As a society constantly split between two choices, two decisions; two ways, at what point do we pick up masks that are not who we really are?

As Carly Beth put on the mask, she took on a new persona; a new personality. She became mean and had evil intents in her mind and heart. Her nature began to change. Masks conceal who we are, both in a good (but not the long run, in order to show us something better ) and bad way.

Humanity has many masks, but I will only name a few. Do you hide under the mask of pride, thinking you know it all and are not willing or open to hear any other truths? Is it the mask of fear, completely stopping you from achieving any goal or moving forward? Is it the mask of low self esteem, hiding internally because of not being sure of how you will be perceived or are uncertain of things? Maybe it’s the mask of rejection, thinking inaccurately based upon a feeling and doing things in order to be accepted by a particular people or person? Others include rage, frustration, anger, lust, being two faced, envy, jealousy, etc… there are many!

People either ignorantly walk in masks, having acquired them over the years for various reasons, or choose to put them on. Either way, as there is a mask on, we will ultimately manifest and walk in it.  They first affect our mind, infiltrating into our heart and then we begin to physically manifest them.

Sometimes life puts masks on you and other times people put masks on you through their behaviours or words, either way we wear masks. Things aren’t all bad and we can be real… WE HAVE A CHOICE OF WHETHER WE WEAR A MASK OR NOT.

Carly Beth came to a point of internal conflict. How she used to be, a good and sweet girl, she could not see that this side of her turned evil with the mask on. Spiderman in the film Spiderman 3 also realised that his nice nature changed when he wore the black Venom suite. Carly Beth and Spiderman are in the same boat of wearing something that is not really them.

This is where there is hope and it is found in ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Acknowledgement is simply recognition (identify something seen, heard, known, etc) of the existence or of the truth of something ( Truth is a fact or a reality that someone/thing becomes conformed to (

Carly Beth acknowledged THE TRUTH that this mean nature was not her, but it was actually the mask she wore. Spiderman acknowledged THE TRUTH when he saw that the proud and unapologetic behaviour and speech he manifested was not him; but the suite he wore. They acknowledged their masks with truth. They also acknowledged that this wasn’t who they wanted to be. This is key because this will determine whether you choose to lay down your mask or not.

When we acknowledge truth the process of taking off the mask can be painful. We are naked but we dare not be ashamed. It is hard to peel off the years of masks, the residue they leave can be scary but IT CAN BE DONE over time and the cost of going through the process to remove them is worth it.

We MUST present ourselves with truth daily. We must acknowledge and depict the thoughts in our minds, the intents of our hearts and the sound released from our mouths. The only way you break free from any mask is first to acknowledge it and then daily choose to put it down. Find truth and stick to it. Walk with those who walk in truth too. Sometimes it can be hard to see and accept truth, especially when we ourselves are exposed, but we must in order to not be deceived.

Carly Beth returned to who she really was. Spiderman became who he originally was. They had to deal with the consequences of the masks, but they were ultimately restored to their original natures. Just like any rehab treatment or recovery process, it will take time but with the right help and company of people, the only mask we wear is who we were originally created to be.

Relaying this to us today, will we choose to become who we really are or will we continue to put on man’s masks? You have a choice.

I leave you with a simple thought. To paraphrase Stasi and John Eldredge, we are always becoming something and God is concerned with what we are becoming. Ask yourself if who you are is REALLY who you are…

The ABORT Button

I have been heavily thinking about the word ‘abort’ recently- simply meaning to cut something short; not let it run its complete course for some reason. Life is filled with many challenges and circumstances, whether this be just thrown at us by life or because of our own decisions, behaviours or choices. We all face and handle them differently, some better than others but either way we all have an end outcome. This is where the word ‘abort’ comes into place; we can sometimes face challenges, circumstances or situations which cause us to mentally and emotionally; then following these through physically by aborting the situation. In other words we give up, not getting to the end of the circumstance. I am not saying that we all do this but what I am saying is that it does happen… we give up and do not see things through to the end.

A great example of this happening is Anakin Skywalker from Star Wars. I am a fan of the Star Wars movies because they are very good at expressing an empathetic reality of the world I live in today and that I can personally relate to. Let me show you what I mean by looking into Anakin’s character from Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith.

Anakin was a promise, he was the ‘chosen’ one to bring about a stronger, better future. He was to be trained to beat the dark side once and for all. Others had their reservations but it was written, destined that Anakin was the answer they were looking for. Without giving away the storyline too much, especially for those who have not seen it, Anakin hits a challenge face on. Challenges come in different forms to everyone, they are presented to people differently but Anakins’ came in a personal form shown to him in a dream, or what he would class in today’s society as a nightmare.

Suddenly this chosen one, this destined Jedi that would change everything for the better found himself in a situation where his decisions and actions changed everything, especially his written future. Anakin’s emotions came into play due to his situation and like most of us his emotions ran high and got the best of him. Anakin re-wrote his own history and destiny but due to his circumstance and emotions taking over, he pressed the abort button on his life and its due course.

For those who have seen this particular Star Wars film (III) then you know the ending, with relation to my blog Anakin aborted his mission and destiny due to his challenge, situation… he aborted his future. Some of you may say that Anakin’s original destiny was not meant to be because it changed and that everything happens for a reason, but I think that it is safe to say that his abort happened as what he became due to circumstance, desire and emotion was NOT what he was destined to be.

We have all been or are yet to be in Anakin’s shoes. When times get tough we either roll with it or run; pretty much ‘survival of the fittest‘ and ‘fight or flight’ theories coined by Charles Darwin and Herbert Spencer. We either face things head on or not at all. No one is perfect but sometimes it can be easier to abort something rather than ride out the situation until the end. Everyone’s situations are different and are handled differently as we all face different things. There is no right or wrong way but we must use wisdom, courage and strength when facing circumstances in order to get a better and more fruitful result.

Galations 6:9

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. (ESV)

Ephesians 6:10-12

And that about wraps it up. God is strong, and he wants you strong. So take everything the Master has set out for you, well-made weapons of the best materials. And put them to use so you will be able to stand up to everything the Devil throws your way. This is no afternoon athletic contest that we’ll walk away from and forget about in a couple of hours. This is for keeps, a life-or-death fight to the finish against the Devil and all his angels. (MSG Version).

Philippians 3

Whether you read the Bible or not these principles are relatable. When we do good and do not see its fruits we can often get encouraged to stop doing good… aborting the mission of doing good because the situation or circumstance has not shown any good fruit. Whether you believe in Satan or not we  understand that we must generally in life be able to stand against anything that it throws at us. This could be by protecting our families, looking to good fruitful friendships or relationships in general, building finances in our savings accounts for future investment and many other things but we understand to protect ourselves against things which we can forsee. In the last scripture we can again relate to keeping ourselves on the right track in life, staying focussed on goals, having a discernment or that incline of the right, wrong or fakes in life amongst other things. Do not just think that because you do not know Jesus that Biblical truths can not apply to you or that you can not relate to them. They do and will help.

So what is my point? My point is that be very careful when facing a situation that you do not abort it too soon. All that is needed is permission. Take these examples for example;

Matthew 4:1-11

Next Jesus was taken into the wild by the Spirit for the Test. The Devil was ready to give it. Jesus prepared for the Test by fasting forty days and forty nights. That left him, of course, in a state of extreme hunger, which the Devil took advantage of in the first test: “Since you are God’s Son, speak the word that will turn these stones into loaves of bread.”Jesus answered by quoting Deuteronomy: “It takes more than bread to stay alive. It takes a steady stream of words from God’s mouth.” For the second test the Devil took him to the Holy City. He sat him on top of the Temple and said, “Since you are God’s Son, jump.” The Devil goaded him by quoting Psalm 91: “He has placed you in the care of angels. They will catch you so that you won’t so much as stub your toe on a stone.” Jesus countered with another citation from Deuteronomy: “Don’t you dare test the Lord your God.” For the third test, the Devil took him to the peak of a huge mountain. He gestured expansively, pointing out all the earth’s kingdoms, how glorious they all were. Then he said, “They’re yours—lock, stock, and barrel. Just go down on your knees and worship me, and they’re yours.” Jesus’ refusal was curt: “Beat it, Satan!” He backed his rebuke with a third quotation from Deuteronomy: “Worship the Lord your God, and only him. Serve him with absolute single-heartedness.” The Test was over. The Devil left. And in his place, angels! Angels came and took care of Jesus’ needs. (MSG Version).

Satan tempted Jesus in the wilderness… all he needed was Jesus’ permission and for him to give in, give up rather than resist the temptation until the end.

Another great example is Zeus in Clash of the Titans. Hades wanted revenge and hid this motive under the camouflage of suggesting to Zeus that the Kracken be released so the humans would start worshipping the gods again. Zeus’s response even though wise counsel said do not do as Hades suggested was (watch the below video clip);

Both Satan and Hades used the same methods; temptation through suggestion by playing at the hearts of Jesus and Zeus through what they needed due to the present situation they were in. See how easy it is? Jesus did not give in and rode out the battle until the end result. Zeus on the other hand pressed the abort button.

Do you see how easy it is to press the abort button? Consequences of the abort button can be fatal. They not only change you but the whole world around you. If you have pressed the abort button on things in your life, I encourage you to look back and see if it was the right decision and if not then try and find a way of making an amends. Learn from Jesus; not from Zeus or Anakin.

I Think I Get The Wicked Witch

The Wicked Witch- Oz The Great & Powerful
The Wicked Witch- Oz The Great & Powerful

I was at my sisters the other night and ‘Oz The Great & Powerful’ was on one of the movie channels. I have not watched this film previously in full, only spot checked it at work; so I had only very little idea of what to expect.

It was a good film to be honest but what I loved the most was how they depicted the wicked witch. The wizard came to town; the man that had been prophesied about (forseen/ spoken of) and believed in soo much that would end the wicked witches reign of terror. The film reveals the story of wicked witch falling in love with the wizard. I was shocked about this as I never knew there was this side of the story, I just thought the witch was just wicked. This really stood out for me and made me think about the witch in a different light and why she was the way she was.

The story goes on to unfold how the wicked witch thought he was hers; that she would be his Queen. She pretty much fell for him. However this was not the plan, mindset or heart of the wizard; she was not for him in that way. She goes to her sister heart-broken and wants to not feel the pain. Her sister, after manipulating the situation further then gives her an apple; to her surprise it turns her into the green monster that she is today.

The Agreement- The Wicked Witch
The Agreement- The Wicked Witch

What I find most captivating is her transformation. Her ugliness came out because of what the wizard had done. For those who have watched the film, you could say that it was all in the witches head or that it was obvious he did not want her. That is true however when we look a little closer the wizard expressed these feelings of not wanting her in that way to his friends; not her. That is my point, that is the part of the story I would like to discuss.


I came across the above Bob Marley quote on someone’s Facebook page. This came back to mind after watching this film. It reminded me a lot of the wicked witch. In life we so often see the external manifestation of an internal wound. In this case the witch turned a green skin tone and became extremely nasty, more nasty than previously as all she had was a bad temper; this being the external manifestation but if we back-track a little we see why this happened. She had hopes, desires and dreams of becoming not only loved by the wizard but his Queen, this being unfulfilled and unmet led to her becoming heart-broken and making an agreement/ vow of never wanting to be heart-broken again or ever feel that pain; this being the internal factor. So there you see it, the external manifestation of an internal wound.

Heartbroken- The Wicked Witch
Heartbroken- The Wicked Witch

Lets face it most of us have been in this position in life at least once; heart-broken about something. Who ever really wants to feel that pain, sit with it, think about it? Who wants to ever express it? I know I don’t, do you? With this in mind I think we can take it a little easy on the wicked witch. I am not excusing her behaviour but I am seeing her wound. Choosing to never sit with or deal with her heartbrokenness did not help matters and caused the pain to take root and grow into bitterness. She chose to act out of her wound rather than act out of getting over it. I am just saying I can identify with why she is the way she is, not justify it.

I always get angry at the above Bob Marley quote and stories like the wicked witch. I hated the fact that a man would come into a woman’s life, open her up like a flower and then BAM, do something that then causes her to shrivel back up like an old prune. This is also the case for women doing it to men. I am UNIVERSALLY speaking; even in friendships; all forms of relationships, etc. However I guess I am still walking out my own healing and deliverance in this area. Getting better understandings by God alone about the power of forgiveness and love.

I always remember T.D. Jakes saying “hurt people always hurt people”. I have never forgotten this but hurt still hurts. Regardless of what people do we always have a choice; we deal with the pain or we become the pain like the wicked witch, letting it take root and turn us into something ugly which we are not. It is not easy to make the right obvious choice but as the Bible says in Deuteronomy 30:19 “his day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live,” (New International Version). The key words being from this verse being Now choose life.

Will you choose life?